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N5 network processor code +4dBm working?


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2009-11-18


I am trying to get the +4dBm transmit power working but I can't see any other current consumption as with 0dBm.

I am trying to set "TRANSMIT POWER" (Msg ID 0x47) to level 4 and get "RESPONSE_NO_ERROR" but the current consumption does not change.

Is that not (yet) implemented in the network processor code?

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



How are you measuring current consumption? Are you still seeing an increase in TX range? ANT messages use very short bursts of time on the radio and so are difficult to measure using a standard Fluke or other off the shelf current meters.      

Total Posts: 7

Joined 2009-11-18


harrison - 12 January 2015 12:16 PM

How are you measuring current consumption? Are you still seeing an increase in TX range? ANT messages use very short bursts of time on the radio and so are difficult to measure using a standard Fluke or other off the shelf current meters.

I am using a standard multimeter but I tried that already with a C7 module and as far as I remember I have seen a current increase.

I am sending with a message rate of 100Hz so it should be measureable.