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Ant connection issue


Total Posts: 9

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I am having an issue connecting 2 N548 modules. On one end I have a micro and module and on the other I am using a pc with usb stick and module.

I issue these commands using the micro and received a response from the module for each one. I issue the next command after receiving each response.

Set Network Key
A4 09 46 00 B9 A5 21 FB BD 72 C3 45 64

Assign Channel
A4 03 42 01 10 00 C5

Set Channel ID
A4 05 51 30 00 01 78 01 89

Set RF Freq
A4 02 45 01 39 EA

Set Chan Period
A4 03 43 01 1F 86 7C

Open Channel
A4 01 4B 01 EF

These are the settings I want to use
Channel Type: 0x10
RF Channel: 57 or 0x39
Transmission Type: 0x01
Device Type: 120 or 0x78
Device number: 0x01
Message Period: 8070 or 0x1F 0x86

I have attached a screenshot of the Antware II gui and the settings I used on that end. I am intending to use this for a HRM. So I have pulled most of the values from the heart rate monitor device profile.

Any ideas of what I might be missing?



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Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Hi Glenn,

In your "Set Channel ID" you have "0x30" in your channel number, instead of channel 0x01 which your other commands reference.

In your "Set Channel Period" you have set channel period as "1F 86", which is big endian, but ANT commands use the little endian format, "86 1F".

Your screenshot the Device A panel was not expanded, did you set the network key on ANTware II as well?

I would recommend setting up your HRM master channel in ANTware II first and then making sure your serial commands match the Device0.txt log as a good way of spotting discrepancies.


Total Posts: 9

Joined 0


I will make those changes. I did not have the network key set properly as well. I see that you can expand the Device. I will set that as well.


Total Posts: 9

Joined 0


That appears to have worked. I get repeated message like this in ANTware II:

:: 4e, 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00

I will work on sending the real data next.

Thanks for your help.


Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Glad to have helped smile