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Explanation for ‘enhanced’ speed and altitude


Total Posts: 122

Joined 2010-10-25


Any chance of some explanation for 'enhanced' speed and altitude as in the 14.0 release? I could not see any obvious explanation. The scaling factors and offsets look to be the same as the standard speed and altitude so it just looks like a range enhancement which seams strange unless people want to use FIT for logging plains trains and automobiles.      

Total Posts: 296

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Seems that they are preparing for Felix Baumgartner's next space dive wink
--> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Bull_Stratos
Besides I can't find another good reason. The existing speed field can hold up to 65m/s = 235 km/h.      

Total Posts: 91

Joined 2012-10-12


-The 'enhanced' fields were added to allow expressing speeds/altitudes too large for the existing 16bit fields. They are likely of limited interest to (most) human powered activities.


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-04-26


In FitSDKRelease_16 I can find following definitions:

Profile.xlsx:Sheet: Messages, Row: 326
session->124,enhanced_avg_speed,uint32,1000,m/s,total_distance / total_timer_time

And in C++ SDK...

static const Profile::FIELD_COMPONENT sessionAvgSpeedComponents[] =
(FIT_FLOAT32)1000, (FIT_FLOAT32)012416FIT_FALSE }// enhanced_avg_speed

Should that 16 (in above fit_profile.cpp) be 32? Or am I missing something here?      

Total Posts: 20

Joined 2015-05-11


Hi 234k5hjg,

The definition in fit_profile.cpp is correct. Components act somewhat backwards of what would be expected at first. That definition describes the avg_speed field which expands into the enhanced_avg_speed field and not the enhanced_avg_speed field itself.

The 16 will tell logic within the ExpandComponents function of the Decoder class (in fit_decode.cpp) that it should take 16 bits of data from the avg_speed field when performing the expansion into the enhanced_avg_speed field.      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-04-26


MarioM - 20 January 2016 11:55 AM
Hi 234k5hjg,

The definition in fit_profile.cpp is correct. Components act somewhat backwards of what would be expected at first. That definition describes the avg_speed field which expands into the enhanced_avg_speed field and not the enhanced_avg_speed field itself.

The 16 will tell logic within the ExpandComponents function of the Decoder class (in fit_decode.cpp) that it should take 16 bits of data from the avg_speed field when performing the expansion into the enhanced_avg_speed field.

Mario, big thanks for the explanation. Let's see if I got it right...

Expanding component field:
Message type0x37 (55Monitoring
Field number
0x18 (24current_activity_type_intensity 

From the profile definition we can see that current_activity_type_intensity expands
to components "activity_type" and "intensity".

In the profile, their definitions are following:
activity_type: type = ENUM, field number = 5, scale = 1.0, offset = 0.0
intensity: type = UINT8,field number = 28, scale = 10.0, offset = 0.0

Let's assume we have field data:
0xa8 (0b00100110

1) Take the current_activity_type_intensity raw value 0xa8 (0b00100110)
2) Read the current_activity_type_intensity component definitions from the profile
3) From the component definitions we can see that
- There are 2 component field destinations 5 (activity_type) and 28 (intensity)
- For activity_type, we have to read first 5 bits of the data (0xa8)
- For intensity, we have to read remaining 3 bits of the data (0xa8)
4) Read the bits as defined in step 3 and "cast" them to value types defind by destination field definition
- activity_type, first 5 bits (0bxxx01000) -> ENUM(8-bits) -> 0x8 -> scale+offset -> (8 / 1.0) - 0.0 = 8.0
- intensity, remaining 3 bits (0b101xxxxx) -> UINT8(8-bits) -> 0x5 -> scale+offset -> (5 / 10.0) - 0.0 = 0.5

So in human readable form - from...

current_activity_type_intensity = 168

...we get two additional fields...

activity_type = 8.0
intensity = 0.5

Another example:
Message type0x12 (18Session
Field number
0x0e (14avg_speed 

From the profile definition we can see that avg_speed expands
to only one component "enhanced_avg_speed".

In the profile, the definition is following:
enhanced_avg_speed: type = UINT32, field number = 124, scale = 1000.0, offset = 0.0

Let's assume our field data is:
0x0ab6 (0b00001010:10110110

1) Take the avg_speed raw value 0x0ab6 (0b00001010:10110110)
2) Read the avg_speed component definitions from the profile
3) From the component definitions we can see that
- There is 1 component field destination 124 (enhanced_avg_speed)
- For enhanced_avg_speed, we have to read 16 bits of the data (0x0ab6)
4) Read the bits as defined in step 3 and "cast" them to value types defind by destination field definition
- enhanced_avg_speed, 16 bits (0b00001010:10110110) -> UINT32(32-bits) -> 0x00000ab6 -> scale+offset -> (2742 / 1000.0) - 0.0 = 2.742
Again in human readable form - from...

avg_speed = 2.742

...we get an additional field...

enhanced_avg_speed = 2.742

Which leads to the question of what is the point of enhanced_avg_speed?
The only visible differences to avg_speed are
- "name" [avg_speed -> enhanced_avg_speed]
- "type" [UINT16 -> UINT32]

At least to my understanding (if the above decoding/expansion logic is correct) the components
can not "bring more bits" to the original data and therefore the expanded field can not represent
a wider range of values. Which was the original "assumption" made in this thread.

With different scale, let's say 10.0 (in the above avg_speed example) enhanced_avg_speed could be representing a wider range of values? Is that the purpose? Even though the current profile has 1000 and 1000.

Are there any rules for scaling and offsetting (I can see some hints of this in the fit_decode.cpp)? Scale and offset are present in multiple definitions and one should know which to apply and when.

Thanks again.      

Total Posts: 20

Joined 2015-05-11


Your examples look correct to me. One of the reasons for the expansion in the enhanced_avg_speed case is to allow for easier decoding. This is due to the fact that it ensures that one field will be consistently populated regardless of whether the avg_speed or enhanced_avg_speed fields are set (i.e, you could deal solely with enhanced_avg_speed application side).

Scale and offset are dealt with internally for the C#, Java, and C++ SDKs when setting and getting data from fields. The scale and offset of fields is detailed in the Profile.xlsx spreadsheet, which must be referenced when using the C SDK as it does not deal with scale and offset internally. More information on the behavior of scales and offsets can be found in the FIT Protocol Document included in the SDK.