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ANT+ Windows 10 IoT


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2016-01-11



I am looking for a ANT+ USB dongle that is compatible with the Raspberry Pi2 running Windows IoT.

Does anyone know if this is currently available?



Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Hi Chris,
Currently we don't have official support for Windows IoT, so you would have to do the serial communication manually right now.

However, internally we have a working version of the AntLib working on a Raspberry PI and plan to release it as a beta for people to try out sometime in February. It will be compatible with USB2 and USBm sticks https://www.thisisant.com/developer/components/antusb-m/      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2016-01-11


Hi Shane,

Thanks for your reply. Is support for Windows 10 IoT something you might considering in the future?



Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Yes, as I said we should be putting out an initial beta version of the Win 10 IoT library in February.      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-02-04


ShaneG - 25 January 2016 03:46 PM
Yes, as I said we should be putting out an initial beta version of the Win 10 IoT library in February.

Hi Shane - please can you let us know when this beta is released? I am looking to build a RaspPi2/WinIOT based device publishing to Azure, and at the moment I cannot get the Ant+ stick to work.

Thanks in advance.

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Yes, I will make a note to post here when it is released.      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 43

Joined 2013-06-11


ShaneG - 25 January 2016 03:46 PM
Yes, as I said we should be putting out an initial beta version of the Win 10 IoT library in February.

Thank you very very much. Hope it work well.      

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


The library is a little delayed, shouldn't be too much longer. Sorry if you are waiting in eager anticipation!      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2016-03-21


I am intrested at this library to. I have a project, that connects a caliper with a raspberry 2 (Windows 10 iot) throught a USB2 wireless stick. It works on normal desktop computer ( with C# WPF ), but that library's didn't work on Win 10 iot, becouse of the micro framework.      

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Hi, quick update for everyone waiting, we have a version working internally with the available UWP USB APIs. However, we still have some work to do in order to integrate the serial layer back into the existing .Net ANT API.

I know I said end of February at the beginning of this thread, but it's realistically looking like beginning of April with current schedule and other pressing priorities.      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 43

Joined 2013-06-11


Hi, ShaneG

I have some question about the Windows 10 Core IoT ANT library.

- When it release. How can I use ANT Stick with Windows 10 Core IoT? Connect it to Raspberry Pi and normally call ANT API from library? Did I have to install ANT stick driver?
- Will all function from .NET ANT API available?
- Will this be an ANT official library?

I currently use python-ant on Raspberry Pi. It has too many problem and missing a lot of function. So I really looking for this library. Please tell me if there anything I can help. (Although there maybe nothing I can help. I will cheer you up. ^^)      

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


1 - When it release. How can I use ANT Stick with Windows 10 Core IoT? Connect it to Raspberry Pi and normally call ANT API from library? Did I have to install ANT stick driver?
2 - Will all function from .NET ANT API available?
3 - Will this be an ANT official library?

1 - You will need to manually tell Windows to use the WinUSB driver for the ANT stick. The library will come with getting started instructions.
2 - We are planning on all .NET API functions to be available.
3 - We will release it first as a beta version for public consumption and testing. If everything goes well with beta testing and feedback we will promote it as an available public library version alongside the standard PC and Mac versions.      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 13

Joined 2015-03-24


Hi, Just wondering (if you know the answer) will the Iot ANT version be a DLL that we can still dynamically link to or will it require that our app's be UWP as well? Thanks for any info...      

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


If you want to write a non-UWP app, then you can use the existing ANT_Net DLL already on Windows 10.

If you are writing a UWP app then you consume the new ANT UWP dll as any other .Net DLL by referencing it in your project.      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 13

Joined 2015-03-24


Hi, First thanks for the reply/info... actually though the app I want to port to the Raspberry Pi 2 is just an unmanaged c++ app that uses the ANTUSB-m driver and these dll's -


I realize above that you mention the .Net dll specifically so I guess I should ask if the unmanaged dll will also be supported? And also you wrote that we could use "the existing ANT_Net DLL already on Windows 10" but that's only when the ARM version of the driver is available, correct? Sorry if these are dumb questions, just getting started on the PI... and thanks again      

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


You will need to port your app to compile as a UWP app to run on the Pi 2. ANT_DLL will not be supported on UWP, only ANT_NET API.

As for existing ANT_NET compatibility on Windows 10, all our libraries work on Windows 10 in desktop mode on non-ARM computers, but not as UWP apps. Typically, ARM Windows 8 and 10 machines are UWP only, and UWP support isn't available until this release.      


Dynastream Developer