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AntWareII; Slave device using Burst Mode


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2009-11-04


This is with regard to AntWareII, Device configured as a Slave. My understanding is that broadcast responses from a Slave device should be controlled using the Simulation tab. One of options for responding is that I can select Burst mode. However, there does not appear to be any way to set more than the 8 bytes in the window. How can I send more than 8 bytes in a burst?

Please advise,

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


When you use the Simulation tab, you can set the number of bytes to burst using the text box next to the "Burst" option. It is not possible to configure the content of the burst - an increasing sequence of numbers is used. The source code of ANTwareII is available in the DevZone, so you can modify this behavior if you wish.