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Device pairing


Total Posts: 523

Joined 2012-11-15



recently I failed understanding follwing:
Note, the pairing bit does not have to be set for pairing to occur; however, the status of the pairing bit must match for pairing to occur.

From what I understood, I can pair 2 devices only if their channel's "pairing bit" match. However, I tried that and failed to confirm it. I use 2 ANTUSB and ANTware II. I setup master channel 33,1,1 and slave channel 33,1,1. If I set or not "pairing bit", those channels always get paired, i.e. the slave starts to read data from master.

In the user guide, there is also:
For more information see the â??Device Pairingâ? application note...

but I cannot find any application note about device pairing.      

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Pairing means finding the channel ID of the device you are interested in connecting to. If you have specified the full channel ID of the device in the slave, you already know the channel ID, and there is no pairing needed, so the state of the pairing bit is irrelevant. The pairing bit is useful when some or all the fields in the channel ID of the slave are wildcarded.

You can find more details on this on the "Device Pairing" application note, on the DevZone
You will need to register your devkit to access it.