As a Dev Kit owner, you first need to register your kit. By registering your kit you will have access to the "DevZone" in the ANT website which has a lot of resources to ANT developers.
I recommend to start looking into the following documents:
1) "ANT Development Kit User Manual" document which helps in giving directions on how to use the different boards and modules included in the kit. This document can be found in the "DevZone" section in the ANT website.
2) "ANT Message Protocol and Usage" document which includes information about the ANT protocol and how to use the different commands and messages for wireless communication
http://www.thisisant.com/images/Resources/PDF/1204662412_ant message protocol and usage.pdf)
Then you can have a look at "ANT Reference Designs"; which can also be found in the "DevZone", that include examples of code on how to establish ANT radio communications.
There are more resources that can be found in the "DevZone" for helping ANT developers.
I hope this gives you a good start and good luck in your development!