Here's the code that I'm using. I included the 8Hz definition here instead of the 4Hz since the 8Hz is more limiting.
For the other device numbers I would change both DEVICE_NUM and DEVICE_NUM_LSB to 51 or 58, etc.
// Network Settings
#define DEFAULT_NETWORK ((UCHAR) 0x00)
// RF Frequency
#define DEFAULT_RF_FREQ ((UCHAR) 0x42)
// Channel search timeout
#define SEARCH_TIMEOUT ((UCHAR) 0x00)
// Transmission Type
#define TRANS_TYPE ((UCHAR) 0x07)
// Device Types
#define DEVICE_TYPE ((UCHAR) 0x01)
// Device Number
#define DEVICE_NUM ((USHORT) 55)
#define DEVICE_NUM_MSB ((UCHAR) 0x00)
#define DEVICE_NUM_LSB ((UCHAR) 55)
// Message Periods
#define MSG_PERIOD_8HZ ((USHORT) 0x1000)
#define MSG_PERIOD_8HZ_MSB ((UCHAR) 0x10)
#define MSG_PERIOD_8HZ_LSB ((UCHAR) 0x0)