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Which is more portable for FIT SDK: C, C++ or Java


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2015-02-22


FIT SDK newbie here. I need to write some simple software that will read in a FIT file and then do some calculations on it. I want to be able to write both Mac and Windows versions, and I can write it in C, C++, or Java. Which language is easiest to work with across platforms? I.e. I want to write one version of the software and be able to easily compile it on both machines with as little hassle and extra setup/learning/changes as possible. Thanks!      

Total Posts: 296

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When you search the forum, you find a few posts of users reporting "hazzle" with FIT SDK code in C or C++.
I can't rememeber any such post regarding Java - which parallels my expectation towards Java being the least susceptible language for platform dependencies.
