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Difference between N5 ANT SoC Module Starter Kit &  NRF51-DK


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2015-03-17


I am new ANT. I need your advice to choose between
1. N5 ANT SoC Module Starter Kit (6 boards)
2. NRF51-DK (Single board)

Which one is more versatile ? Are they effectively the same ??

I know the facts and differences from following link :


Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


In terms of versatility, the N5 Starter kit provides two fully certified modules to speak to one another along with a battery/IO board stack up and a USB interface board, whereas the latter option provides a single custom board with chipset (you will need another BLE device to develop against). If your design will continue using the N5 Module then I would recommend working with it now using the N5 Starter Kit now.
