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FIT decoding library for Go(lang)


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2014-11-04



I have attempted to implement a FIT decoding library for the Go programming
language. I hope to add encoding functionality later.


Two small questions from issues I encountered since I do code generation for
the profile data:

1. For consistency, should there be an empty row after row 1169 in the "Types"

2. Is it intentional that the type "Bool" is not specified anywhere? I
understand it's rather self-explanatory, but it'is the only type that's not a
base type and not defined in the "Types" sheet.


Total Posts: 34

Joined 2013-01-28


Hi Tormod,

For your questions see my answers below:
1. This empty row should not matter, it might be something Excel does by default when saving.
2. This is intentional at this point. Currently the smallest base type we support is one byte. Changing base types is a breaking change in the FITSDK. This is something we may look at in the future, but at this time we do not have a plan to change this.

Hope this helps.
