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compiling ANT sdk on linux


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2017-04-23



I'm trying to compile the SDK on linux with little luck, several undefined symbols, missing dependencies, etc. and was wondering a couple of things:

1. is there a pre-compiled format for the FIT sdk (rpm yum package, etc)
2. has anybody put together a build script for the sdk
3. what happened to the linux beta (https://www.thisisant.com/forum/viewthread/6490).
4. are there older versions of the SDK available.

For #3, I tried the link provided without luck (says I don't have permission to download the file), I tried compiling both with the mac gnu tools and the linux tools. (gcc, ld, etc)

So - exactly how do you compile it? Ultimately I'd like to use tools like the Garmin::FIT perl module to parse/dump out FIT files.      

Total Posts: 68

Joined 0


Are you attempting to compile the FITSDK? or the ANT SDK?
If it's the FITSDK are you compiling C++ or C?
Do you have an example of the Symbol not found errors you are seeing?