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ANT Forum

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Beginners help


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2019-02-05



ANT+ is a topic for a CIS class I am taking in university.

We have used Wireshark in class labs to review network packet information.

Is there something I can do that is equivalent for ANT?
I have been dabbling with SimulANT+ as well as ObervANT+ (I have ANT+ dongle and a speed/cadence sensor for my bicycle) but haven't been able to get anything I understand.

Using SimulANT, the closest thing I get (I think) is the ANT messages log in hex?
Using ObservANT, I wasn't able to get any channel information to display.

I would love to have a small sample of actual data to use for our class discussion.

Is there anything you can suggest for someone with no experience in this?

Thank you for your support.

Total Posts: 6

Joined 2014-07-05


I am also interested in solving the problem. Thank you for your inquiry.      

Total Posts: 370

Joined 2012-06-27


AntwareII is the tool that provides the most raw access to the data moving through the channel. After configuring the device and channel parameters for a slave channel, try clicking "Open in Scan Mode" in the "Advanced" tab. This will show both the master to slave, and slave to master messages.

Note: using wildcard values for device number or type will show packets from multiple devices.

To understand the format you will want to consult "ANT Message Protocol and Usage" and the profile document for the sensor type you are using.      


Ian Haigh


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2024-06-04


staceyw - 21 September 2020 08:59 AM
I am also interested in solving the problem. Thank you for your inquiry.
Certainly help will be needed at the beginning of the journey. And it is good to get professional help. In my opinion https://literaturereviewwritingservice.com/ is the best. It's been a godsend for me.

I agree with you.

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2024-07-08


I agree that sometimes you need to re-read a lot of documentation before implementing something correctly.      


Raise your destiny with Epiccarry


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Joined 2024-07-24


For beginners seeking help with their academic journey, Dissertation Assistance can be a valuable resource. It facilitates the process by providing direction on organizing and doing research.

Total Posts: 8

Joined 2024-08-02


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Total Posts: 2

Joined 2024-09-30

