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RSSI Reporting Question


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-01-04


Setup: A computer with an ANTUSB2 Stick and another computer with an USB stick containing a CC2571 module.

Task: I'm trying to get readings on the RSSI value for the different frequencies available.

It seems that only the USB stick with the C7 module is able to receive the RSSI value, but both sticks can send the RSSI value. Since the C7 module has the advanced feature of RSSI reporting, I expected the ANTUSB2 Stick to be able to receive the RSSI value from the C7 module, but not be able to send its own RSSI reading to the C7 module. However, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Testing Summary:
C7 Module - Can send and receive RSSI
ANTUSB2 Stick - Can only send RSSI

Is this correct or am I doing something wrong?


Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Hi salyersa,

RSSI (received signal strength indication) is used to measure the strength of the signal being received by a wireless module. In your case, only the C7 module has this built in capability to measure the strength of the signals it receives. The advanced feature of RSSI reporting means that the C7 module reports the received signal strength serially to its host MCU, not wirelessly to the ANTUSB2 Stick.

From your description it seems that you are under the impression that RSSI is transmitted data indicating the strength of the signal being transmitted. This is a common misconception, RSSI is actually a measurement performed by the receiver unit of the power of the signal it receives on its antenna.

Your testing summary states that only the C7 Module is capable of measuring (receiving) RSSI, this is correct. However, RSSI is not transmitted by either module, it is a measurement the C7 performs of the signal it recieves from the USB2 Stick.

Hope this explanation cleared it up.

- usamak

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-01-04

