I am Using N5 device kit.
and Trying to connect using Antware II 4.1 or my software .its neither detecting not connecting.
its working fine on Antware 3.2 (windows XP) detecting and connecting both.on Device Manager of windows xp it display Ant USB Device (as a known device).
on Windows XP or Windows 7 on my old software it is detected and connected
.but on new software its detected but not communicate(not receiving/transmitting data) .
on Windows 10 with new software or Antware 4.1 , N5 (ANT UIF ver3) not detected not connected
I have tried to install driver Windows 10 as per User Manual using ANT USB Express but it is displaying error as specific INF file is not present on installation .(attached image for error display)
Also I have attached images displayed on My PC on Device Manager(Windows 10).
when i use Ant USB 2 Stick its communicate on all Operating system(xp,7,10).
Please how to solve this issue?
[ Edited: 27 January 2016 06:57 AM by Shrikant thorat ]
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