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////////////////// Code in demo.cs///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ANT Channel Configuration Parameters
// We define them here, since these must match between host and client for communication to work
public readonly static byte SearchRF = (byte)ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.RadioFrequency.ANTPlusNetwork; // Radio Frequency to use during link state
public readonly static ushort ChannelPeriod = 8192; // ANT channel period. It should match the LinkPeriod below.
public readonly static byte DeviceType = 119; // Device Type (ANT Channel ID)
public readonly static byte TransmissionType = 0; // Transmission Type (ANT Channel ID)
public readonly static byte NetworkNumber = 0;
public readonly static byte[] NetworkKey = { ANTPlus NetWorkKey };
// ANT-FS Configuration Parameters
// These must also match between host and client
public readonly static ushort ClientManufacturerID = 11; (tanita) // ANT-FS Client Manufacturer ID
public readonly static ushort ClientDeviceType = 119; // ANT-FS Client Device Type
public readonly static ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.BeaconPeriod LinkPeriod = ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.BeaconPeriod.FourHz;
////////////////// Code in demo.cs///////////////////////////////////////////////////
////////////////// Code in demo_host.cs///////////////////////////////////////////////////
readonly byte ConnectRF = (byte)ANT_Managed_Library.ANTFS.RadioFrequency.Auto; // Radio Frequency to use once a connection is established (set by host)
readonly uint ClientDeviceID = 0; // ANT-FS Client Device ID (Serial Number): Wildcard to match any client ID
readonly ushort DeviceNumber = 0; // Device Number (ANT Channel ID): Wildcard to match any client Device Number
readonly byte SearchTimeout = 60; // How long to search for a client device, in seconds
////////////////// Code in demo_host.cs///////////////////////////////////////////////////