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About sd_ant_coex_config_set function


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2019-05-15


I am developing Ant device with NRF52840.
Recently, I have seen sd_ant_coex_config_set function.
I used this function and the function works good.
However, I don't know exactly how to work.
I read sd_ant_coex_config_set of document like below.

* Byte0 = Configuration enable bitfield
* bit0 - enable/disable tx/rx channel keep alive config (Byte4/5 & Byte6/7)
* bit1 - enable/disable tx/rx channel fixed interval priority config (Byte1)
* bit2 - enable/disable transfer keep alive config (Byte2)
* bit3 - enable/disable search channel fixed interval priority config (Byte3)
* else - reserved
* Byte1 = tx/rx channel fixed interval priority configuration
* Byte2 = transfer keep alive configuration
* Byte3 = search channel fixed interval priority configuration
* Byte4(LSB)/Byte5(MSB) = tx channel keep alive configuration
* Byte6(LSB)/Byte7(MSB) = rx channel keep alive configuration
* Byte8 = ANT counts/16 spent in high priority mode during search scan.
* Byte9 = ANT counts/16 spent in low priority mode during search scan.
* Advanced configuration structure is as follows:
* Byte0 = Configuration enable bitfield
* bit0 - enable/disable priority override config (Byte1)
* bit1-7 - reserved
* Byte1 = ANT priority override. 0 = low, 1 = normal(default), 2 = high, 3 = critical
* Byte2 = Reserved
* Byte3 = Reserved
* Byte4 = Reserved
* Byte5 = Reserved
* Byte6 = Reserved
* Byte7 = Reserved

I want to know the meaning of each bitfield.      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2019-11-20



The Bluetooth LE sensors that are connected regularly cannot communicate for several seconds if ANT is enabled. Disabling all ANT coexistence fixes the problem for Bluetooth LE devices, but then ANT sensors regularly disconnect.

I am using the S340 softdevice on a Nordic NRF52840.      

Total Posts: 25

Joined 2023-08-06


Master Basketball Stars 2 different shooting techniques and moves to gain an edge over opponents, with a focus on skill development and timing.      

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Joined 2023-04-12


The visuals in basketball stars are exceptional, including vivid colors and lifelike animations. The fluid motions and dynamic shots make the action profoundly engaging. One may easily lose track of time while engrossed in such a visually striking game.