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Clarification on ±50 ppm Crystal Tolerance Requirement


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2024-10-11


Hello ANT+ community,

I have a question regarding the ±50 ppm tolerance for 32.768 kHz crystals used in ANT+ devices.

I understand why such accuracy is important, but I’m confused about whether this tolerance applies only at room temperature, as specified in crystal datasheets, or if it refers to the maximum allowed tolerance across the entire operating temperature range (e.g., -30°C to 80°C).

If it's the first case (room temperature), everything is clear, and I have no further questions.
But if it's the second case, which I believe it is, I’m puzzled.
I haven’t seen development boards or commercial devices using Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs), which would be necessary to maintain accuracy across such a wide temperature range.

So, how do these devices meet this strict requirement?
Are there software solutions to compensate for crystal drift over temperature?