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channelScan.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ScanResponse);
Hi Stephen.
I got it all working.... and by using the Windows Service..... However, I'll look at yours, because my programming isnt as sophisticated as yours. So I might learn something.
I havent managed to have a continued back ground scan on one channel AND have the other channels access devices, its either one or the other, but thats fine by x trench run.
Unity, I got it sorted using MemoryMapped files and a config file and also NamedPipes to sent serialised XML strings for setup in the service. I also import the microsoft dll (cant remember now which one) which controls the windows service and uses the Service Controller Class.
I will take a look, its like you have done a much better job than me. Im a mid level C# programmer at best. but I've got data passing into unity and able to pass back data to the service for things like controlling Smart Trainers and Config parameters as per the device profile pages from ANT...... Its been a very interesting prototype, finally next week Im hopeful to get onto terrain and some basic testing after.