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Loading Scripts onto ANTAP281M4IB Wirelessly


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2010-01-31


Hey guys,

We are currently working on a project using the AP2 modules. We have successfully completed the tuturials for ANTware and SenseRCore. We have been able to load scripts onto the ANTAP281M5IB (molex connnector) using the USB adapter.

How does one go about loading scripts onto the ANTAP281M4IB (surface mountable) module? Can this be done wirelessly? Or must this be done by manually connecting the needed wires from the ANTAP281M4IB module to the USB adapter? Or is there another way?


Total Posts: 21

Joined 2008-11-03


Are you sure you loaded the AP2 modules? The AP2 modules do not support SensRcore, only the AT3 modules do. For clarification - the AT3 modules are 2-chip modules without a can. The AP2 modules are single chip modules with a can.

For the AT3 SensRcore modules - it is only possible to configure these over the serial port. You do not need to use the molex connector - you can use the solder mount pads, but you would need to create a jig to program your scripts in production. The jig would need to interface to a USB stick.


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2024-04-05


I think poppy playtime chapter 3 can help.      

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2024-12-04


perlresearch - 12 March 2010 11:32 AM
Hey guys,

We are currently working on a project using the AP2 modules. We have successfully completed the tuturials for ANTware and SenseRCore. We have been able to load scripts onto the ANTAP281M5IB (molex connnector) using the USB adapter.

How does one go about loading scripts onto the ANTAP281M4IB (surface mountable) module? Can this be done wirelessly? Or must this be done by manually connecting the needed wires from the ANTAP281M4IB module to the USB adapter? Or is there another way?


Yeah, just use USB with scripts on it