I'm building a wearable ANT sensor (using TI CC2570 and MSP430). Hardware is together and working; software, too, up to the exchange of ANT Messages (per ANT Message Protocol and Usage doc). Also have a serial port out of the MSP430 for debugging, with standard serial to USB (COM port) converter.
Appears that I have the rough equivalent to an ANT USB Stick and would now like to use ANTware II to drive my device. Is there a document anywhere (e.g., API spec) that describes what sort of data stream ANTware expects? I'm presuming (and hoping

that it's a simple serialization of ANT messages from the attached device.
Note that I've looked at the usual suspects: The source code for ANTware appears to hide the info in wrappedlib.dll (and it's interface description in the xaml file (IIRC) appears much more baroque than what I'm hoping for.) Similarly, the source for the Windows lib seems too convoluted to be worth decoding. (Hmm... I should look at the Mac version... but in the meantime...)
Suggestions? Documents or specific pieces of code I need to grok?