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Total Posts: 8

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I want to connect a seat occupancy sensor on my transmitter using HRM profile. So to my understanding i have set this on my transmitter

Device number : 100
Device ID : 120
Transmission Type: 1
Rf : 57

what should be the network key?

also can i display the sensor values in ANT+ Display simulator when i connect my own sensor under HRM profile?


Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi Jakr13,

Thanks for your question. Actually you don’t need to be using a profile at all for what you are doing. You can just use ANT and define your own connection.

ANT+ Profiles are designed for specific use cases, (the HRM profile is for Heart Rate Monitors only), and it is not permitted to use parts of profiles for other purposes:
Paragraph “a” of the copyright notice states:
“You agree that any products or applications that you create using the ANT+ Documents and ANT+ Design Tools will comply with the minimum requirements for interoperability as defined in the ANT+ Documents and will not deviate from the standards described therein.”

So please do not use the ANT+ HRM profile for a seat occupancy sensor.

Currently there is no ANT+ Profile for Seat Occupancy Sensors. Therefore it is not possible to design an ANT+ Seat Occupancy Sensor. This means that you should not use the ANT+ network key.

These are the options that you have:
• Create your own connection using ANT and use the Public Network key (this is the default key that ANT devices come with).
• If you would prefer for your device to be interoperable with other devices made by other manufacturers, and to be part of the ANT+ Network, then you would need to become an ANT+ Alliance Member and then work together with us to define the ANT+ Seat Occupancy Sensor Profile.

To create your own connection and use the public network key, you can set your channel parameters to any value you like (so they match each other), and define the data payload that you would like to send any way that you like. This is described in the ANT Message Protocol and Usage document available in the developer zone.

You do not need to use the ANT+ Simulator when you are not making an ANT+ device. I suggest that you use ANTwareII instead, as this will show you the details of the data you are sending.

You can find the public network key on the Ant+ Device Profiles page within the ANT+ Adopter Zone on thisisant.com

Hope that helps!