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Can NOT assign channel except than Channel 0


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2012-11-15


Hello Everyone,
I am using AP2 single channel with MSP430G2553. My purpose is to use one single channel and close it for near field communication. My application works, but when I change the ChannelNumber from 0 to anything different than 0, like 0x01:

So I send to ANT: A4 03 42 01 10 00 F4
I get following message from ANT: A4 03 40 01 42 28 8C

I can't understand that why ANT can't assign channel for 01. Also I am trying to assign channel after reseting and and waiting 500 ms.

I would really appreciate, if you lead me. Thank you in advance.


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


What you are seeing is normal. Since you are using a 1-channel AP2, the only channel that exists in the device is channel 0.      

Total Posts: 5

Joined 2012-11-15


Thank you so much alejandra for quick reply. It is good to know this. However, it is a bit pity that we can not use other channels separately. But Thank you for letting me know this.