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How to design a “real-time” ANT net?


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2012-11-15


I have 32 (or 48) sensors, when any of these sensors detect signal variation, the data is expected to be sent to a collecter immediatelly. It seems like continuing scan mode meets my requirement, but I'm not sure if the sensor node, acting as a master in scaning topology, can send data at any moment or must send data periodically, which means the data won't be sent as soon as possible. Is ANT suitable for this kind of application? What topology should I choose?

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



Continuous scanning mode sounds ideal for your use case as long as you don't mind the high power consumption on your slave device. Your master sensor nodes could just open a channel and use acknowledged messages to ensure it's sent through to your collector node in continuous scanning mode (EVENT_TX_SUCCESS), and then close the channel again after the data has been sent.

ANT masters in bi-directional mode by default scan for an extremely short window for an open time before opening a channel, so it's not a requirement to maintain periodic transmission on your master nodes.

The only caveat is burst messages can affect the coexistence of nodes on the same RF channel. If they're short/infrequent it can be okay.
