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what is meaning of these response?


Total Posts: 16

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the first:
A4 03 40 01 4B 15 B8
The AP2 is working with MSP430 in asynchronous mode.I set the channel 1 as Transmit Channel:Bidirectional Master Channel,and channel 0 as a Slave Receive only Channel,and then I use the ANTawre to make a test.(channel0(MSP430)-------channel0(ANTware) .(channel1(MSP430)-------channel1(ANTware))
I use a UART interrupt to receive the message,and use channel 1 to sent message every 2s.
it can't receive message when i only open the channel 1 of ANTware as a receiver,and receive the above message,but when i open the channel 0 of ANTware as a transmitter, they can both work! I don't know why?

the second:
I want to make a channel as this :Bidirectional,when it receives a correct message,it can immediately sen a broadcast data as a answer,and the answer is defined by myown, then it stop sent message and works as a receiver.(Cycle the above process)
how can i realize it?

thank you~~      




Total Posts: 16

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when I set the channel 1 of AP2 as a Transmit Channel:Bidirectional Master Channel,the channel 1 of ANTware is set as a Slave Receive only Channel.
I open the channel 1 of AP2 and make a message-sending event happen every 4s, and delay 1s,and then close it,Cycle the above process. when the ANTware is closed it means that there is no receiver, but I also get a respense message A4 03 40 01 01 03 E4. It is a little strange!

thank you~~      




Total Posts: 16

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AP2 with MSP430,I set the channel 1 of the AP2 as a Transmit Channel,and set the channel 1 of ANTwareII is receive channel,I use the channel1 of the AP2 to sent the AcknowledgedData,but the ANTwareII display as a BROADCAST_DATA?what is the reason?      




Total Posts: 16

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when we open a channel,and set it properly. when we use sent_broadcastdata(uchar channel,uchar *buf),the AP2 will sent the data periodic,how can i stop the sending event,and make it into waiting receive state.      




Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


In order to help us better help you, it would be best to provide all the information on what you want to do in a single thread, so we can have a better overall picture of what you are trying to do.

ANT is not an asynchronous protocol - the basis of its operation is for a master to transmit periodically and a slave to synchronize with its transmissions. If you haven't yet, it would be highly recommended to have a look at the following ANT presentation, which would give you a better understanding of the basic operation of the protocol


Sections 1 - 5 of the ANT Message Protocol and Usage document provide an overview of the main features and functionality of the protocol, and are an essential resource for understanding ANT. It would also be very useful to look at section 9.5.5 to understand how the different data messages work. Experimenting with ANTwareII and a pair of USB sticks is also very helpful in understanding how the protocol works.

Now, regarding to some of your specific questions:
1) Interpreting the message A4 03 40 01 4B 15 B8
In order to decode this message, refer to the serial messaging format (Section 7.1 of the ANT Message Protocol and Usage document for the basic format, and 9.5 for specific details). This particular message is CHANNEL_IN_WRONG state response to the Open Channel message.

2) If you configure your channel as receive only, acknowledged messages will not work as intended. Please configure your slave channel as a normal slave.

3) No, there is no way to stop an ANT from sending messages periodically. Bidirectional communication is still possible. The Youtube presentation covers all of these in detail.