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AP2 doesn’t answer back


Total Posts: 1

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I'm trying to establish a communication between an AP2 module and a MSP430f169 MCU in synchronous mode using the MCU's SPI module. I send configurations messages to the AP2 module, but it never sends me a reception confirmation.

When probing the SIN line of the AP2 on a oscilloscope , I can see the bytes I'm sending. After i send the final bytes which is the checksum byte I wait for the SEN line to be asserted telling me ANT is ready to answer but it never happens.

I'm suspecting that there is something wrong with the AP2 module , is their a way to make sure the ANT module is working properly ?

or maybe I didn't configure the MCU's SPI module correctly. Could you tell me the correct configuration for the SPI to work with the AP2 in synchronous mode.

the core of my code is basically the same as the examples on your web site...


Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14



A timing diagram of the messages your sending would be much appreciated.

The easiest way I find to check if ANT is working is to trigger a reset with the reset pin, ANT should automatically respond with a start-up message after that.

SEN is asserted by ANT when it is ready to receive a message, not after it has received it.

ANT also always sends the sync byte first.

The "Interfacing with ANT General Purpose Chipsets and Modules" document describes the serial message flow of communicating with a module/chip.
