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Windows 8 Store Apps


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2012-11-17



I'm currently playing around with making a Windows 8 Store app using the Ant_Managed_Library for .net.

Unfortunately you cannot reference this library from a store app as it needs to be a "Class library for Windows Store apps" or a "Portable Library".

Does anyone know if one of these alternate libraries been created or is there one in the pipeline?
Is there something else I can do to use the Ant_Managed_Library in a windows store app?

Thanks, Chris.      

Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


The currently available ANT Windows .NET libraries are built for the Intel x86 platform and use services from other (driver) libs that are native x86 Windows libs, not .NET libs.
I strongly assume that your "... store apps ..." are apps for the Microsoft Windows tablet world - which is ARM based, not x86 based.
That would explain why the existing .NET libs can't be used, ...

... but not answer your question if and when the ARM platform will be supported. That is definitely a question for Dynsstream staff.


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


The existing ANT Windows drivers will not work on Win RT (Windows 8 on ARM) because of hardware differences.
We do not have plans to add support for Win RT in the near future.      

Total Posts: 8

Joined 0


So that must also mean we have no hope of making any ANT stuff work on Windows 8 Phones? Bummer!

I will assume market demand could change this quickly if windows 8 phone takes off.      

Total Posts: 4

Joined 2014-11-04


Could it be possible to use WinUSB instead of libusb to communicate with the ANT+ usb stick? Maybe I'd try to implement this.