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Programming the modules on ANTAP2DK1 kit


Total Posts: 2

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How do I program the modules provided in this kit to transmit the temperature reading at every 5 minutes and then put the module to sleep and retransmit after 5 minutes again. I am trying to use senscore script to get the temperature data and the lowest sampling rate that i can achieve is 0.5 htz. I need my coin cell to last atleast 6 months .

Any information will be appreciated.

Do i need to attach a host mcu to the modules provided in the kit? I am assuming that the MSP 430 which is onboard these modules should suffice.

What is the difference between AP281M51b and the ANT11TS33M51B modules. There is two of each in the kit.

Gagan jain


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


It is not possible to use SensRcore for what you are describing, as SensRcore does not allow any custom logic like opening/closing a channel on a specific interval. Your best option would be to use an external MCU for your application code, or consider an SOC solution, such as the nRF51 from Nordic.

In order to compare the two modules, please go to the Components page, select the checkbox next to the components you want to compare, and then click "Compare".

For a more detailed feature comparison, please refer to section 9.4 of the "ANT Message Protocol and Usage" document, available on the Downloads area of the website