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How to make C7 module as a wireless node?


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2013-02-19


Hi guys!
I have two ANTC7EK1 kits. I just want to connect a CC2571 module and a EEPROM board to a battery board as a wireless node. I am doing a project that needs several wireless nodes as masters and one node as a slave. I see these demos (ANTware_II_src, ANT_RSSI_Demo) all need usb sticks to connect to pc.
Could you tell me how to use a battery board to support a CC2571 module as a master node rather than using a usb stick?

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07



You are going to need to connect an external micro controller to the ANT chip through the 20 pin header on the battery board.

For information on interfacing ANT modules with micro controllers refer to the Interfacing with ANT General Purpose Chipsets and Modules document and the Battery Board Pin-Out in the TI Evaluation Kit User Manual document.

Both can be found under the Documents Tab in the Downloads page.