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Powermeter with arduino, what ant+ chip?


Total Posts: 13

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Im normaly a java-developer but now Im doing a arduino based powermeter for a stationary bike as a hobby-project.

The powermeter works fine and prints the power on a simple display. Since I have a Garmin edge 500 I would like it to recive the power-data.

So, my idea is to find a chip to connect to the arduino-board but I dont know what to use, any ideas?

My next step would be to import some library for the chip and write code that sends a broadcast message. It there any code-examples about this? is this the correct apraoch?

Have anyone used the arduino-board with ant+??

Thanks in advance! smile


Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Hi Fredde,

I would recommend using a pre-built module such as an AP2 or C7 and wiring it to headers to plug into an Arduino board. If I recall correctly Digi-Key can supply these down to single quantities.

While we currently do not offer any reference code or libraries for Arduino, I would recommend looking at our MSP430 reference code as a guide to developing on Arduino, you should find most useful the ANT+ Bicycle Power reference design.

I haven't tried it myself yet but there's a cool project called Energia where they forked Arduino's programming environment on to the MSP430 platform, you might find that useful as well.


Total Posts: 15

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Fredde, you should check out my blog keithhack.blogspot.ca. I have some Arduino code posted (sans the Network key) that you can. I used it to make a simple power meter transmitter to connect to my Garmin Edge 500 using the basic power profile. Code is posted for this project, though not my strain gauge based power meter project.

This works with both the AP2 and the old Sparkfun AP1 based transceiver stick (discontinued). Though, the AP2 module requires more work to set it to Async and the Baud Rate. Most pins just go to ground then.      

Total Posts: 13

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Thanks alot for information! I will put up a link to the project later! smile      

Total Posts: 4

Joined 2010-06-04


kwakeham, could you share or point me to the wiring schema you used to connect the Arduino to the AP2 module?

I've been trying to connect to it via SPI to no avail, but I suspect you just connected the serial port pins RX0 and TX1 to SOUT and SIN and used Serial1 as a plain serial port, not as a serial bus.
am I right?

Where did you connect SCLK, SEN, SRDY and SRDY?


Total Posts: 15

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Yes, you're right, I set the AP2 to Async mode as I found it easier than trying to develop Spi code for the micrcontroller being the slave.

Have you got the AP2 module communicating at all in bit or byte sync mode?      

Total Posts: 13

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Hello and thanks for your answer!

I bought the ap2 chip but I still have some problems with the wiring.

I dont really understand what I should but on ap2 pin #2? GND? 3.3?

(use Async-mode)


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2013-07-19


Good day,

fredde - 25 October 2012 11:17 AM
Hello and thanks for your answer!
I bought the ap2 chip but I still have some problems with the wiring.
I dont really understand what I should but on ap2 pin #2? GND? 3.3?
(use Async-mode)

any news on this interesting project ?      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2013-03-13


Hi Fredde

Could you share what kind of sensor are you using to ready the power that the athlete is transfering to the bike?
