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ANT USB stick missed packet. ANT transmitted throught it was transmitted ok


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-06-20



Got a bit of a problem.
Just watched several ANT packets be transmitted by our nRF24PA2 and not received by a an ANT USB stick.
Problem is that im looking at a Logic capture of the traffic between our microcontroller and the 24AP2 and the 24AP2 is saying that the transaction was a success, but the USB stick is reporting it as a fail.
Due to the 24AP2 saying they are a success I can remove them from my software's pending queue and I line up the next packet to be transmitted. Which goes out fine.
Im using burst mode with 2 packets per burst, a 4 Hz channel period and both ends are fixed on the same channel.

Ive checked the drivers for the USB stick and they match the latest on this site.

Ive uploaded screenshots via Imgur as they are too big to upload here - http://imgur.com/j500TjL,3UEYrEm

Any ideas on what could cause this? I used to develop radio stacks so im used to the link not working and having to retry multiple time - but having one end think the transaction was a success while the other thinks its failed is just not good!


Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi Mat,

Are you using acknowledged or broadcast messages? Acknowledged messages should not report false successes (although false negatives are possible). Broadcast messages tell you nothing about the success / failure of the transmission - only that the message was transmitted i.e. not whether it was received.

See the ANT Message doc and event descriptions for details: http://www.thisisant.com/developer/resources/downloads/#documents_tab

Kind regards,


Total Posts: 4

Joined 2010-06-24


Hi Kat,

We are using Burst messages - not Broadcast.
I have updated all the ANT DLL's on the PC to your latest 3.2 release and have seen it again since then.


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Can you post the logs of what you see on the USB stick? If you enable debug logging in the library, it would generate a log file, DeviceX.txt, which will include all the serial communication to/from the USB stick.

Also, is there a possibility there are multiple slaves connected to the same master? If so, it is possible that a different slave is the one acknowledging the burst packets, causing the mismatch you are seeing.