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ANT DSI errors when sending burst data


Total Posts: 17

Joined 2011-01-24


I'm using burst messages to send data to the Wahoo Kickr. I get a DSI EWRITE error every once in a while. After I get one it usually gets worse until all messages start to fail. I'm using an ANT USB stick. The behavior seems pretty consistent on both Mac and PC.
Is this a known issue with the ANT USB sticks? Is there something I can do to prevent it.

Here's the error: DSI ERROR code: DSI_SERIAL_EWRITE

Right now, the way I sent the message is with
retVal = ANT_SendBurstTransfer_RTO(ucChannelNum, aucCommand, ucPacketCount, 1000 );

If the retVal is not success, I continue to retry every 1500ms.

Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


Could you clarify which library are you using? From the function name it looks like it would be the ANT_DLL, is that correct. If you have debug logging enabled, can you please post a log of when you see this problem?

DSI_SERIAL_EWRITE is triggered when the library is unable to write to the USB device. This would most likely be a driver or hardware issue.
Are you using USB1 or USB2? Connected directly to the computer ports, or using a USB hub? Do you see this issue consistently across machines/USB sticks?      

Total Posts: 17

Joined 2011-01-24


Yes. I'm using ant dll on both mac and windows. It seems to be more prevalent (or possibly exclusively) on ANT1 USB sticks. I don't have ant debugging on. I can turn that on and post the results. It usually happens 5 min to 30 minutes into a workout.      

Total Posts: 17

Joined 2011-01-24


This is still plaguing our users. Is there more debugging I can turn on to find our what causes this? Is burst mode just not reliable on ant1 sticks? Do you know if the upcoming bike trainer profile uses burst mode?      

Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


The upcoming Bike Trainer profile will not use burst mode.

Also, after our most recent discussions, Wahoo has indicated that they will be removing burst messages from their Wahoo KICKR messaging protocol. I would recommend contacting Wahoo for more information regarding this update before proceeding.