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Sleep mode in nRF51422


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-11-21


I am having some difficulty in putting the nRF51422 in sleep mode. I am seeing a huge delay in execution of the sleep command.

The code that I am using is the follows:

err_code = sd_app_event_wait();

The attached figure shows the GPIO status pin (LED0) and the current consumption of the chip on the scope. It can be seen that there is a 14.4 ms delay between toggling of the pin and when the chip is put to sleep. What is the reason for this huge delay? Is there a way around it i.e. can the delay in execution of the command and when the chip is put into sleep be reduced? Since, I am working on a energy constraint system, reduction of power is of utmost importance to my application.



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Total Posts: 156

Joined 2013-01-07


Is the delay avoided if you don't call the sd_app_event_wait() function?

Thanks for pointing this out, we will further investigate this behaviour. In the meantime, I would recommend asking this question on the Nordic Semiconductor Developer's forum (https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/) as well.