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Guidance on certification of ANT+ mobile apps?


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2013-10-19


So I've been reviewing the mobile test tool and it's accompanying documentation.

it is very unclear exactly how I use it to generate a certification report for my app.

I have a simple android app that talks to an HRM. I'm not making any hardware or any new devices.

How does this work? I'm running the included .apk in the test tool and I can't wrap my mind around how it can be used to validate an app, as it can't even run concurrently with my app without seizing control of the radio.

if someone can give me some pointers it would be greatly appreciated.

Total Posts: 26

Joined 2012-11-15


I just have some questions below, so I can send you the appropriate tools and documentation:

Were the ANT radio service added?
Were the ANT+ Plugins added?
Was the Chip Library Interface implemented?
