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Units in onNewPedalSmoothness and onNewTorqueEffectiveness


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2013-01-21


I am unsure about the units of the values within the methods
onNewPedalSmoothness and onNewTorqueEffectiveness of the bike
power sensor.

Currently, I use the values as they are. When doing the
verification test, I am asked whether the PS&TE; values toggles
between 50% and -- (invalid value). Unfortunately, the values I
get from these methods are 25% instead. Interestingly, within
the documentation of the onNetPedalSmoothness, it is stated:

leftOrCombinedPedalSmoothness: The left (or combined) pedal smoothness as determined by the sensor (up to 1/2% resolution. '-1' = Invalid or negative data. Units: 1/2%.
rightPedalSmoothness: The right pedal smoothness as determined by the sensor (up to 1/2% resolution. '-1' = Invalid or negative data. Units: %.

Thus, I am not sure about the units of these values. Are they % or 1/2 %?      

Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


The leftOrCombinedPedalSmoothness should be in %. Apologies for the typo, the documentation will be corrected in the next release.