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Sending specific simulated data through Android Bridge to emulator


Total Posts: 11

Joined 2014-06-15



I wish to simulate the kind of data my ANT+ device creates (which uses the Bike Speed and Cadence profile), and send it through the Android Emulator Bridge to an android emulator.

Currently I am using the ANT+ Sensor Simulator, but this does not allow me to accurately tweak the data being created to simulate my device. SimulANT+ seems ideal - with its support of scripts - but does not appear to connect to the Android Emulator Bridge.

Please advise!

Thanks in advance.


Total Posts: 129

Joined 2010-11-30


Hi mallen,

You will require 2 ANT USB sticks for this, one to be used by the Android Emulator and one to be used by SimulANT+. They will behave as standard ANT+ devices, and will not know that the other is a simulator/emulator - so there should not be anything preventing this from working.

Do you have any physical ANT+ devices you can confirm the apps on the Android emulator able to connect to?


Total Posts: 11

Joined 2014-06-15


Hi Rohan

Thanks for the quick response.

I do have two ANT USB sticks, which have been working fine with the ANT+ Sensor Simulator / ANT Android Emulator Bridge connection.

When I use SimulANT+, the Android Emulator Bridge does not seem to receive data (nothing moves in the USB to Socket/Socket to USB screens). The SimulANT+ output screen is showing data being sent as I would expect.

Unfortunately I do not have access to a physical ANT+ device at the moment to test, although they have worked previously with the same Android software, and I can confirm that using the ANT+ Sensor Simulator does work through to the Android emulator as expected.


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


When you start SimulANT+, it will connect to all available ANT USB sticks, so you will need to release one to make it usable for other applications, like the Android bridge.
Are you able to receive data from SimulANT+ in the Plugin Sampler?