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Driver Installation on Windows 8


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2015-01-18


Dear Ant Forum,

I am having a frustrating time trying to get setup with the N5 Starter Kit from Dynastream. I have reached a wall with trying to install the USB drivers (the first step!) with the installation failing with the following message:

"The specified INF files could not be copied and installed. Please check your installation and try again"

Unfortunately I am not a very experienced windows user (my normal OS is Linux) but I have so far tried to run the installation with administrator privileges and in compatibility mode as a Vista and XP.... without success unfortunately.

If you can offer any help at all I would be very grateful. I am running Windows 8.1. Not the pro version. Perhaps this is the problem(?)

Many thanks in advance,


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2015-01-18


Problem solved by restarting Win 8.1 in advanced mode with option 7: "Disable driver signature enforcement"

Details here:

The hash file is unsigned and causes errors in the install. To solve this in Windows 8.1 restart windows in Advanced Startup mode with "Disable Driver signature enforcement" option:
Win + C
-> Settings
-> Change PC Settings
-> Update and Recovery
-> Recovery
-> Advanced Startup
-> Restart Now
After the reboot windows loads into a bios-like mode. Select the following options:
Troubleshoot -> Advanced Options -> Startup Settings -> Restart -> 7
Now return to install the file. The settings are reverted upon restart.      

Total Posts: 3

Joined 2015-01-18


(To admin: Please mark as Solved)