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USB2 Stick Driver


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2013-04-15



I need help to create a procedure to install the USB2 Stick driver.
I know what are the last driver version ( which are signed and don't need online confirmation ) , where to put them ( C:\Windows\inf\ so on the plug and play procedure they will automatically recognized ), but sometimes Windows ( XP, Vista, 7 or 8 ) tells me that isnt' possible to install them.

So, is there a list of registry key and file with relative path I need to know to install the driver on windows system with any problems?

Thanks in advance      

Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


Pre-installing drivers on Windows can be done both programatically or on the command line through several different mechanisms. However, copying the file to a specific directory is not sufficient on modern versions of windows. Because there are many mechanisms and they can depend on windows versions, I would suggest you do some more research online about pre-installing drivers to determine which will work best for you. I am unsure how familiar you are with the process, but I would suggest starting by understanding this approach: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/cc772036.aspx      


Dynastream Developer