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Phone as a ANT+ sensor/transmitter, not receiver


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2015-05-12


Apologies if it's a very elementary question, but I couldn't see a clear answer from just looking at the FAQs.

Can an ANT+ enabled phone / phone with an ANT+ dongle connected be used to work as an ANT+ sensor / transmitter? I.e. e.g. make a Garmin watch see the phone to be e.g. a HR strap and receive HR data sent by the phone?
In usually described use cases it is the other way around - the phone as an ANT+ receiver of sensor data.      

Total Posts: 149

Joined 2014-04-02


It's technically possible, but the Android ANT+ API doesn't expose this functionality. From the Creating ANT Android Apps doc in the ANT SDK:

The ANT+ network is not accessible through the standard ANT API, and it is intended that developers creating applications which talk to ANT+ devices use the ANT+ API. For special cases requiring the ANT+ network, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

