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event message - use of fields data and data16


Total Posts: 44

Joined 2013-04-07


in event message the field data is a dynamic field
the reference-field is event
following Ref Field Values are specified:
- timer
- course_point
- battery
- virtual_partner_pace
- hr_high_alert
- hr_low_alert
- speed_high_alert
- speed_low_alert
- cad_high_alert
- cad_low_alert
- power_high_alert
- power_low_alert
- time_duration_alert
- distance_duration_alert
- calorie_duration_alert
- fitness_equipment
- sport_point
- front_gear_change
- rear_gear_change
- rider_position_change
- comm_timeout

for me this means:
if event is:
- activity
- battery_low
- calibration
- elev_high_alert
- elev_low_alert
- lap
- length
- off_course
- power_down
- power_up
- recovery_hr
- session
- user_marker
- workout
- workout_step

i can not use data, i have to use data16.

i understand this wrong?

in annex i have attached an example of an incorrect use (in my opinion).

i would be surprised if the example corresponds to the fit-profile.

so i ask here for a clarification.

Thank you

UPDATE 20.02.2015: File Attachments deleted      

Total Posts: 296

Joined 0


Why don't you just take some .FIT files from Garmin devices and try it out?
I've never expected the .FIT specs to be 100% complete and when in doubt I simply checked the contents of Garmin .FIT files. This approach worked well for me.


Total Posts: 44

Joined 2013-04-07


edge-python - 19 February 2016 12:31 PM
i can not use data, i have to use data16.
i understand this wrong?

In German there is a saying:
Who can read is a clear advantage.

I think I found the answer myself:

Flexible & Interoperable Data Transfer (FIT) Protocol 1.8
4.5 Dynamic Fields
... If none of the reference field/ value combinations are true
then the field is interpreted as usual (as ‘data’ in this example).


even if event is:
- activity
- battery_low
- calibration
- elev_high_alert
- elev_low_alert
- lap
- length
- off_course
- power_down
- power_up
- recovery_hr
- session
- user_marker
- workout
- workout_step

the field data can be used

Thank you