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static readonly byte USER_ANT_CHANNEL = 0; // ANT Channel to use
static readonly ushort USER_DEVICENUM = 1; // Device number
static readonly byte USER_DEVICETYPE = 120; // Device type
static readonly byte USER_TRANSTYPE = 1; // Transmission type
static readonly byte USER_RADIOFREQ = 57; // RF Frequency + 2400 MHz
//#error Insert the 8-byte ANT+ Network Key here!
static readonly byte[] USER_NETWORK_KEY = { ... };
static readonly byte USER_NETWORK_NUM = 0; // The network key is assigned to this network number
static readonly byte USER_ANT_CHANNEL = 0; // ANT Channel to use
static readonly ushort USER_DEVICENUM = 42; // Device number
static readonly byte USER_DEVICETYPE = 120; // Device type
static readonly byte USER_TRANSTYPE = 1; // Transmission type
static readonly byte USER_RADIOFREQ = 57; // RF Frequency + 2400 MHz
static readonly byte[] USER_NETWORK_KEY = { ... };
static readonly byte USER_NETWORK_NUM = 0; // The network key is assigned to this network number
heartRateSensor = new HeartRateSensor(channel0, networkAntPlus);
// This event indicates that a message has just been
// sent over the air. We take advantage of this event to set
// up the data for the next message period.
case ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ANTEventID.EVENT_TX_0x03:
heartRateSensor.HeartRate = (byte)rnd.Next(0, 256);
static readonly byte[] USER_NETWORK_KEY = { 0xE8, 0xE4, 0x21, 0x3B, 0x55, 0x7A, 0x67, 0xC1 };