Our company is submitting a product for certification. When I performed all the test cases using the ANT+ Verification Tool v1.6.0, our product passed all tests from MD_0002 to MD_0013. However, when I use the SimulANT+ 2.0.0, our product seems to fail the MD_0013 test case.
Is there a reason that the MD_0013 test case behaves differently in two different test applications? Do we need to pass the MD_0013 test case in SimulANT+ for certification? Or are the results of the ANT+ Verification Tool enough for certification?
Btw, I read from one forum post that MD_0013 is only optional for certification? Is this true, we don't need to perform the test? The forum post is located using the link
In the future, should we only use SimulANT+ 2.0.0? How about the ANT+ Verification Tool v1.6.0?
Any help is much appreciated.