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java.com.garmin.fit library question


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2017-03-15


I am writing a java program to decode a Garmin FIT file and was attempting to use the GyroscopeDataMesg.java method getCalibratedGyroX(), which is supposed to return a Float with units of deg/sec. I expected the method to perform the calculation to determine the calibrated data from the raw ADC values that are in the FIT file, but instead it returned "null". Eventually I discovered the method getNumCalibratedGyroX(), which returns 0, showing that there are no calibrated values. Am I correct in concluding that the methods only return data that is presently in the FIT file and do not perform any calculations on data in the file? I am able to obtain the raw ADC values from the file into an Integer array using getGyroX().      

Total Posts: 68

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You are correct the FIT SDK on its own will only return values that are included in the .FIT file. There is a plugin and example included in the SDK for dealing with 3D Sensor data.

Checkout the file: FitSDKRelease_20.27.00\java\com\garmin\fit\plugins\examples\ThreeDSensorAdjustmentExample.java in the SDK for an example of how to use the plugin.      

Total Posts: 7

Joined 2017-03-15



Thanks so much for the reply, this was very helpful.
