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03 June 2016 01:46 PM #16
Dynastream Developer
03 June 2016 02:12 PM #17
ShaneG - 03 June 2016 01:46 PMOk, one more update, we found that for some reason the sscanf() call to decode the deviceNumber can sometimes fail on the Pi. To avoid this you can:'
1. Change the demo code, swap sscanf() calls with atoi().
2. Pass the parameters on the command line, e.g. "sudo ./demo 0 0"
03 June 2016 02:27 PM #18
Dynastream Developer
03 June 2016 03:05 PM #19
ShaneG - 03 June 2016 02:27 PMGood to hear! Thanks for reporting your problems and good luck with your development!
04 June 2016 05:21 AM #20
04 June 2016 08:07 AM #21
marcky.sharky - 04 June 2016 05:21 AMHi. I am new to developing with Ant, so please excuse any stupid questions, such as this one.
Looking through, am I correct in saying the SDK currently supports FS, but not AntPlus?
### Context
I am looking to use the ANTUSB-m (product 0x1009) to communicate directly with a Premium Heartrate monitor, so believe I need implement the ANT+ protocol.
14 June 2016 03:13 AM #22
02 January 2017 12:29 AM #23
ShaneG - 02 June 2016 02:51 PMHere are some instructions for how we got it working on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian, we will include them in the next release:
Step 1: Packages and commands to install for ANT_LIB...
12 February 2017 02:28 PM #24
25 February 2017 08:45 PM #25
28 March 2017 12:59 PM #26
29 March 2017 10:42 PM #27
31 March 2017 11:17 AM #28
07 April 2017 04:23 PM #29
ctbaker - 29 March 2017 10:42 PMHi, This is a question more to the dev's but I have an app I'm porting from windows desktop and am trying to get working on the raspberry pi. I'd gone down the Win/Iot path but pretty much hit a dead end as there really doesn't seem to be a way to get unmanaged to managed interop working on that platform at the moment and my app is straight c++. Anyway, I've built the libraries from ANT-SDK_Linux_3.8.200 on the pi and run the demo. Now I want to add in the functionality to the app I'm porting. Since my original app used the windows dll and it's api (via LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress calls) I'm just wondering what the correct approach would be for linux since the demo seems to use a static linked library and the api in "dsi_framer_ant.hpp". So two questions -
1) Is that the right approach, i.e. use the static library to create a DSIFramerANT object and use it's interface (like the demo)?
2) Or, for someone not too familiar with linux, how hard would it be to create a dynamic ".so" library from the code in the "ANT_DLL" library directory (or would that even work or make sense)?
Lastly, and as an aside I guess (just a general question to anyone out there), has anyone got the managed win/iot dll to work from an unmanaged c++ app on the pi running win/iot?
Thanks for any info...
11 May 2018 08:46 AM #30