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ANT support on Arduino


Total Posts: 313

Joined 2011-09-12


After our release of the ANTLib Raspberry Pi support (through both linux and Win 10 IoT), there has also been some interest in ANT on Arduino.

We do not have current plans for official support for ANT on Arduino at this time, but if you have a compelling reason for it please comment here.

In the meantime, we have been made aware of an ANT library for Arduino which you can check out at:
https://github.com/cujomalainey/ant-arduino .
(This is not an official endorsement but just trying to pass along a helpful resource)

If anyone has any more ANT-on-Arduino tips or links to share, feel free to share them below. Thanks!      


Dynastream Developer


Total Posts: 21

Joined 2016-12-26


There is now a sister repo to the above mentioned ANT serial driver (native softdevice support in development). ANTPLUS-arduino (or ANT+ on platformio) is a basic framework for handling ANT+ in the arduino framework.


Currently, it supports only acting as an HR monitor, but it is designed to handle all profiles and will be receiving updates over the next few years to add the other profiles.      

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Total Posts: 745

Joined 2012-09-14


Cool project! Thanks for sharing smile      

Total Posts: 21

Joined 2016-12-26


For those who are having problems with wiring up their boards, a friend and I have produced a nice Adafruit Feather compatible ANT radio board. See https://github.com/reeganm/ANT-FeatherWing      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 2018-12-19


Has anyone used AdaFruit's nRF52 based feather?

I'm finding that most existing Arduino libraries just send commands via serial uart to a separate ANT+ board. Was hoping this feather would make things easier but I'm not finding any ANT+ support for it.      

Total Posts: 21

Joined 2016-12-26


EugeneNine - 09 July 2019 02:42 PM
Has anyone used AdaFruit's nRF52 based feather?

I'm finding that most existing Arduino libraries just send commands via serial uart to a separate ANT+ board. Was hoping this feather would make things easier but I'm not finding any ANT+ support for it.

Hi Eugene,

I have gotten the ANT radio working in the arduino environment but it was not easy as I had to modify linker scripts and headers that came with the ANT softdevice (which means I couldn't pre-patch them for users.) Plus from what I have seen it requires have a j-link programmer which also isn't as common unless you have an nRF52 dev board.

My libraries are designed so they can support a native device, but I have not implemented the feature due to the issue of making the soft device easily accessible to the arduino community due to agreements required to get the softdevice. Which is why I hope to eventually get someone like adafruit/sparkfun to pickup a ANT breakout board and start distributing it.

If you can get the ANT softdevice loaded onto one of Adafruit's boards in a semi user friendly fashion I would definitely be interested as I would like to support the softdevice eventually.
