There seems to be an issue with the version numbers for the
python antlib library that results in the package being unable to be installed using pipenv or pip. It apparently has an inconsistent version: filename has '1.1b0.post0', but metadata has '1.1b0'
pip install antlib==1.1b0 --no-cache-dir
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement antlib==1.1b0
ERROR: No matching distribution found for antlib==1.1b0
pip install antlib==1.1b0.post0 --no-cache-dir
WARNING: Discarding antlib-1.1b0.post0-py2.py3-none-any.whl. Requested antlib==1.1b0.post0 from antlib-1.1b0.post0-py2.py3-none-any.whl has inconsistent version: filename has '1.1b0.post0', but metadata has '1.1b0'
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement antlib==1.1b0.post0
ERROR: No matching distribution found for antlib==1.1b0.post0
(I've had to edit the console print out because this website wouldn't let me post the complete version)
more info can be found on a commit in a
Nordic Semi Conductor repo
Downloading the whl from the project page and installing it that way works
I have tried emailing the maintainer of the package in december but never heard a response