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My burst fails after I send the first two packets â?? why?


Total Posts: 140

Joined 2008-12-09


Due to limited resources on the ANT baseband processor, there is buffer space for only 2 packets of data. The buffer space is not emptied until the messages are actually sent over the air, which does not commence until the next message period (see figure below). Hence, if more than two packets are sent before this buffer has been emptied, these packets will be lost and the burst will fail. It is important to note that once its buffer space is full, ANT will assert its flow control signal, indicating that no more messages should be sent. The host processor must properly interpret and handle this signal and only send bytes when the flow control indicates it is safe to do so. As shown below, the ANT flow control signal will be set high after two packets have been sent. The host must not send any data to ANT while this signal is high. The flow control signal is deasserted once the burst packets start to be sent over the air.

[img size=576]http://www.thisisant.com/images/fbfiles/images/Q022.JPG[/img]      


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