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Newbie Question


Total Posts: 1

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I'm looking to write an application for Windows that will take in ANT+ data, more specifically from HRM, Speed & Power. Currently I'm only interested in writing the software and not looking to test with specific data from these sources. Am I able to generate the data via the simulator or do I have to have the developer kit?

FYI - I realise I would need the dev kit or at least some actual testing with a usb dongle plus ANT+ devices but I was hoping to at least get a working application before I buy a dev kit.      

Total Posts: 296

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The simulator will be sufficient as a counter part for your software. Plus two ANT USB sticks - one for the simulator and one for your SW. The stick can't be shared.      

Total Posts: 1

Joined 0


Thanks for that, very helpful.

Final thing, I assume that I can get any 2 ANT+ usb dongles, i.e. a couple of Garmin USB2 ones and this should all work?