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Ant11TS33M5IB connection problem with Ant USB2 stick


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2012-11-23



I got a problem with the connection between the module and the USB2 stick. I've searched the forum, and can't find any similar problem.
I have wired up the module in sensRcore mode, connected an analoge weight sensor to pin AIO0. I measured every in and out voltage, and everything seems to be right. When I try to connect the USB2 stick to the module, with AntwareII or SenseRware, I don't get any response. I connected two USB2 sticks in my computer, and got a signal. So I know that the USB sticks are working. I use the demo.txt script for testing in SenseRware, with the same result. Can the USB2 connect to the module? Tried the AntwareII program too, and no luck there either.

Btw It's my first time using ANT.


Total Posts: 662

Joined 2012-10-09


You should be able to connect your SensRcore node to ANTware as long as all the channel parameters match. Have you tried following the example in the ANT Development Kit Manual? You can follow the example for setting a SensRcore node as a transmitter and receiving the data using ANTware and a USB stick (you can use a USB2 stick instead of the USB interface board like the manual describes). Pay special attention to the dip switch configuration, as well as the channel parameters configured in ANTware in the example. Notice how they relate to the ones in the script.

You can find this document in the Downloads section on the website, on the documents tab