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Beginner question


Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-01-04


Sorry probably this has been posted many times. I'm a mid range programmer, and all I want is to transmit speed and cadence from my bike trainer to my computer and get that data available for my own applications. I have garmin GSC10 cadence and speed sensor and the Garmin usb stick, I assume this is enough hardware to do the task, so I would like to ask where can I start to learn about ANT+ programming, if possible restricted to just perform my simple needs. Many thanks for any help.      

Total Posts: 235

Joined 2012-08-31


Hi skr23,

I would suggest starting here: http://www.thisisant.com/developer/ant/ant-basics/ to get an understanding of how ANT works in general, then going through the Starting Your Project page to get familiar with the process and tools for working with ANT. Then you'll need the ANT+ Device profile for Bike speed and cadence to know how the GSC10 is sending it's data. You can get this from the downloads page once you've signed up as an adopter.

Good luck!      

Total Posts: 2

Joined 2013-01-04


Really thanks.